October 5, 2009

The Words of Dorian Corey

Who is she? A transgendered entertainer and designer who I first saw in the documentary Paris is Burning. I was twelve years old at the time and was more impressed with the film's extravagant costumes and dance competitions, and the fact that it was filmed in New York City, my fantasy residence even then. Though it still is, and I enjoy going up there, I, like many others who didn't grow up there (but really really wanted to), feel as though I came of age too late to experience the “old” New York. But I'm drawn to her still.

Anyway, tonight as I sat down to draft a new story idea, one of my favorite scenes from the documentary came to mind. A scene where a lovely woman named Brooke Xtravaganza expresses her exuberance at just having had her sex change operation to become a "real" woman. She giggles with glee as if she’s really been freed from confinement and she and a friend sing I am what I am...I am my own special creation. I needed to be touched by that. And then, Dorian Corey appeared in perhaps the most introspective moment of the film, only uttering a few poignant lines while applying makeup before a show.

As an adult, the words he shared when I was twelve finally have meaning. I finally understand.

I always had hopes of being a big star
Then as you get older you aim a little lower
Then you say, I still might make an impression on the world
Everybody wants to leave something behind them
Some impression, some mark on the world
Then you think that you left a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name
Then you left a mark
You don’t have to bend the whole world
I think it’s better to just enjoy it
Pay your dues, and enjoy it
If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high
Hooray for you

RIP Dorian Corey


  1. You have really shown your inner humanity and depth of conscious with this tribute to Dorian Corey. I guess it does take maturity to understand. The reality, sadness, and triumph of simply admitting to ourselves that what we do while on this earth is no more than our greatness, even when we give it just a little effort. And sometimes it might take the eyes of another to really see how great it is.

    I am really moved by Dorian’s words, and more that you kept in your spirit since age twelve and decided to share it with the world to remind us.

  2. I thought of Dorian Corey again last night. I will make it a point to purchase Paris is Burning, perhaps this evening. I'm a little odd in that the literary and theatrical works I claim to cherish the most are not in my physical possession, only in my mind. Must do something about this.
