October 1, 2014

Do You Have a Card?

I went to a networking event tonight for government communicators at a nice restaurant in Downtown DC and was the only one there without an official business card. At my job, if you don't interact with the public, then you don't get a company business card. I find this very unfortunate. My communications functions are internal, relegated to my fellow employees only (e.g., newsletter, emails, intranet content management, etc.). My customers at work know who I am, and if they don't, a simple Outlook search will yield my names and title. But there's something about a business card. It helps to build your brand. It helps promote your organization. It serves as a verifier of your knowledge, skills, and abilities to your peers. This last part, serving as a verifier, is what I feel is most important. Tonight I had to pass out my personal card. Nothing is wrong with it, in fact, a senior communications official commented that it was cute. But I don't want a cute card. I want card from my organization so that I have proof that I work where I say I work. A card that joins a professional rolodex. But those are the rules. I only communicate internally. No card with embossed with the company seal for me. I find this very unfortunate.

1 comment:

  1. You were the only one there without the special (restricted) business card?
    That is so unfair, and so grade school, to only give embossed business cards to "certain" employees and not to ALL of the employees that work for the same employer. They should at least allow any employee that wants the embossed cards to have them.
