January 1, 2011

Happy New Year - Auld Lang Syne

Wow, so it's 2011. My mother used to tell me that the years would go by faster when I got older. How right she was. I must say though that a lot happened in 2010, so much so that I'll give it credit for being a full year, unlike previous years that have lasted only six months. I became a homeowner; I got a promotion at work; I was active in community service events; and I saw my mommy for Thanksgiving :) So 2010 was a year of smiles, challenges, and rewards. Every year something interesting happens to me. I'm sort of anxious to see what the new year has in store for me. Of course things don't just happen without some sort of initiative on my part, but I'll be curious about what I'll be compelled to do.

I have a few resolutions and prayers I prefer to keep private, but the one I can share is that I pray for the ability to accept the things I cannot change about my life and my current situation, and the knowledge and motivation to affect the things I can. If an opportunity presents itself, I want to have the foresight to jump on it. I tend to overthink things I shouldn't and jump the gun on things I shouldn't. I want to relax and think and make more right decisions for myself than wrong. Such a simple concept, but such a hard one for so many to act on.

In honor of this special day, I want to share the song we sing to usher in a new year, Auld Lang Syne. This video offers the history of the song and how it came to be the the definitive New Year's Eve melody. Enjoy.