March 19, 2014

Things I've Been Wondering About

I have a lot of random thoughts throughout my day, as do most folks I suppose. Sometimes I use Google to find the answers or to at least see if there are others who are wondering the same thing.

Here's a few of my musings as of late:

1. Why do people place their bags on the seat next to them when riding public transit? Are they hoping no one sits next to them? How dare they hog a seat they haven't paid for.

2. Why don't people invest in a good pair of headphones, ones that actually go into the ear, so that I'm not forced to hear their music, and if I know the song, follow the lyrics?

3. In reproduction, 1+1=3, why doesn't it make sense when talking about math?

4. Why does half and half never seem to spoil?

5. When did everyone start jogging? Were they jogging in the 60s like they do now?

6. Why don't we need to receive a parenting certification before having children?

7. Why does $5 get me a bag full of filling greasy food from a fast food place, but that $5 won't cover the cost of a salad at the same place?

8. Why does every job I get contain the same set of personalities as my previous job? It's the same script but with a different cast. Is this bizarro world, how can my former coworkers morph into new people and place themselves at my new place of employment?

9. Now this one is controversial: if you claim to be an animal lover, how can you pay thousands of dollars for a special breed animal when a perfectly good mixed breed languishes in an animal shelter and is available for less than $75.