May 30, 2018

Hello world

Right now my kids are fast asleep and finally have some highly coveted "me time." So I decided to visit my neglected blog to let it know I'm still around. Of course I have a ton of things I need to be doing right now, namely grading papers (I teach writing part time now!), but here I am, being selfish and doing me.

Recently, I experienced a stunning reminder of the power of our minds. Positive thinking and affirmations work. Daily, I've been writing down reminders to myself of how great I am, how I'm on the right track, how happy and healthy I am, and so on. I even have a vision board that I reflect on to visualize the life I want to have. I'm proud to say that I'm one step closer to at least one of those things on my board (yay!!) and generally feeling more optimistic about my power. The power I have to change my life.

I'm reading "Positive Imaging" by Norman Vincent Peale. It's more than 30 years old, but the guidance is relevant even today. One of the passages in the book deals with a breathing exercise that goes like this:

I breathe in strength, I breathe out weakness

I added to it and tailored it to my tastes and you should do. Mine is more along the lines of:

I breathe in strength, I breathe out weakness
I breathe in victory, I breathe out defeat
I breathe in confidence, I breathe out self doubt

Well I have to get back to things. Just a random musing of an editor and writer.

April 2, 2018

Wild is the wind

This songs fits my mood perfectly today.